Cement Micro-Structures Expert
Dr Torsten Howind
is a researcher at the School of Engineering and computing at the University of the West of Scotland, United Kingdom. He initially started his research career in the field of durability performance of cement-based materials in Germany. However, after his arrival in Scotland he started to grow a keen interested on the nano-scale modification and micro-mechanical characterisation of cementitious materials, using nanoindentation. Over the past 6 years, his involvements include two large European research projects (CODICE and HEROMAT). As part of the CODICE project (Computer-driven Design of Innovative CEmentitious materials) he and his colleagues had been in charge of the preparation and nanoindentation testing of early aged cement paste of various binder compositions. The determined micro-mechanical properties of the hydration products were later used for modelling hydration and propagation of mechanical strength to eventually determine the ideal design/composition for environmentally friendly cement – EcoCement. Within the currently running HEROMAT project (Protection of cultural heritage objects with multifunctional advanced materials) he is part of the research team for non-destructive, macro- and micro-mechanical testing to evaluate the effectiveness of the consolidation treatments developed. Furthermore, he had been involved over the last few years in various nationally or industrially funded projects, for example: Concrete using recycled construction and demolition wastes; Concrete - waste tyre blocks; Nanoindentation of cementitious systems; Durability of cement mortar containing bio-mass ash; Resistivity enhancements for concrete towards biogenic sulfide corrosion; etc.
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