Important Points for Researchers and PhD Students
The most important part of a research project is the need for experimental obtained data, its preferable to be obtained by the researcher him self.Computational fluid dynamics is all about running a numerical model and solving a number of differential equations. Then to validate that the numerical model through comparing the obtained experimental results. The main challenges of CFD is that commercial software can give you lots of nice results but the main obstacle is convincing the scientific community through the use of experimental data. This is where problems start occurring because as an example if you run a CFD simulation for a Boeing 747 the main problem is finding experimental data of the flow parameters for a full sized model.
Therefore from the first couple of months of PhD you must agree with your supervisor on what experimental results will you base your thesis on. Once the data is agreed on then you can focus on the numerical side of the project. If you produce experimental data you can finish your PhD in a much easier manner. Because you have the back bone for your work. You need to push as much as possible to finish it without any problems.
Therefore from the first couple of months of PhD you must agree with your supervisor on what experimental results will you base your thesis on. Once the data is agreed on then you can focus on the numerical side of the project. If you produce experimental data you can finish your PhD in a much easier manner. Because you have the back bone for your work. You need to push as much as possible to finish it without any problems.
Dont Forget Validation
You can publish experimental results. But numerical results if not validated by experimental results will not draw attention and will always be criticized if correct or not by other. So don't bother trying to publish material that hasn't been validated because it will most probably be rejected from the first time. As much as this idea seems simple and straight forward lots of researchers think they can publish and get PhD without validation. Always before writing, preparing to submitting to a journal read the journals guide lines. Always before you submit your PhD thesis check you have a validation section.
Following the mentioned points can save you lots of time of stress and none focus.
Why do Publications Cover Simple Geometries?
In CFD research material you will find the majority of researchers study simple geometries. The reason for that is the availability of lots of published data when the validation stage of the numerical stage comes. These simple geometries are such as cylinders, spheres, bumps, Flows inside cylindrical tubes, Flows inside rectangular tubes.... etc. Detailed data requires the use of large facilities and big budgets therefore some projects and data validation steps can only be performed by big research companies.
Persistence in Acquiring your Data
During you research and data gathering stages you will need to follow up the acquired data from your collaborators. You will need to be very tolerant in getting your data from your collaborators. Not all the time your collaborators are efficient in their work. You need develop skills to follow up these people and to through which persons authority the work best.
How do I Know What Sensors and Apparatus do I Need
You can make a quick assessment by looking into what publications have mentioned and what parameters have they measured. Usually if you are lucky you can quickly see what measured parameters where done by the provided plots in the publications.
Avialable Validation Data
Several websites have the material put up. The available online data or in publications can be your start up point to validate your selected numerical. You can quickly model the geometry and try to measure the generated results and compare them with the real case. You will most probably have to normalize the studied value. Because the majority of publications
Research Budget
The problem is always the money problem. Securing resources and knowing how much you will require for the project. How can you persuade people to give you money for research. The experimental side of the project would require the use of Lasers and High frame rate cameras and that's some thing that cannot be covered by a person on the individual level.
Initial Technical support is required just to get going with the problems of apparatus calibration in addition to some safety issues. High voltage lasers requires safety awareness because you can lose you eye site.
Acquiring Apparatus
Once you start PhD you will be required to acquire the lab apparatus. Finding the best prices and most reasonable for your budget in addition for negotiation with the providers and find what they offer for maintenance. Then following up the delivery process of the apparatus
Skills Required to Work with Different Departments
You need to find the right way to work with lab technicians. Because your project is going to depend on your attitude with them understanding them and how they work can give you a sense of required time to achieve objectives and dead lines.
Working with IT professionals you will also need to find a way to communicate with the IT guys especially for the high performance computing end of the project. Bugs and simulation crashes are liable to occur and you need to find a way
Lab Material Catalogs
Recommended Reading List
A list of some useful books.
Book 1
Unless otherwise noted, all content on this site is @Copyright by Ahmed Al Makky 2012-2013 -