Working in a Team to Produce Research
Research is only achieved through team work, I find the following image descriptive
Stupidity also plays a role
Strategy to Write Publication
1- Create your word files that have the proposed ideas.
2- Save them on your desktop.
3- Write the material for the publication.
4- You will need to edit them for about 30 times.
5- You can use a highlighter to mark the location in the publication the idea was taken from.
6- Make a folder that you can put all the publications in to go back to at any point needed.
2- Save them on your desktop.
3- Write the material for the publication.
4- You will need to edit them for about 30 times.
5- You can use a highlighter to mark the location in the publication the idea was taken from.
6- Make a folder that you can put all the publications in to go back to at any point needed.
Steps to Write a Publication
1- Find a similar publication to your field of research.
2- Select the journal of interest and check its ranking.
3- Once done see the journals regulation: style it uses, headings, number of references, ...etc.
2- Select the journal of interest and check its ranking.
3- Once done see the journals regulation: style it uses, headings, number of references, ...etc.
Publication Structure
1- Title
2- Name and details of authors.
3- Abstract.
4- Introduction.
5- Materials and Methods.
6- Field Experiments.
7- Results.
8- Conclusion
9- Acknowledgments.
10- References.
11- Appendices.
2- Name and details of authors.
3- Abstract.
4- Introduction.
5- Materials and Methods.
6- Field Experiments.
7- Results.
8- Conclusion
9- Acknowledgments.
10- References.
11- Appendices.
How do you know you can Publish
This is something that you gain confindce in while reading in the field.
Journal Impact Factor
Preparing for a Publication
Seeing where people are focusing the research output for the past 2 years, 2 years is taken as a period due to that papers need time to be written and then submitted at a publisher noting that each publisher has his own requirments.
The following link has some usefull guidlines:
Example of Ready Templates
An example of the IEEE Transactions, the template is in a word format
Different formats according to field of research:
Another example of a publication template
Speeding Up Your Work
Working in a group of people where splitting the work load between several researchers, where one would write the intoduction, one woudld gather the data, one would write the lietrature review.Under Construction.
Unless otherwise noted, all content on this site is @Copyright by Ahmed Al Makky 2012-2018 -