Problem Solving Skills
Under Construction, problem solving models and how to turn failure into success. Facts any project has negative people affecting it, according to a real life studied process they are the same as the cause of friction, you cannot consider you case as an ideal case without any problems. You have to accept these people and lessen their affect just like as an engineer would deal with the effects of friction on ball bearings and that's through lubrication.
1-Try always to think of the goal and how to reach it, dont just keep thinking of the negative source as much on how to lessen its effects.
2- Don't look at others peoples projects which went very smooth, try to look to at the sever challenges scientist went through to achieve their goals
3- A noble cause will always get you to what you target you just need to look at the target.
Having a Clear Mind
The Change Equation
Under Construction.
Problem Solving Models
The Problem solving models list:
The Flow Model
The Rubber Band Model
Under Construction.
Under Construction.
Reading List
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