Research Publication Procedures
Expected research article structure is shown below.
The Challenges of Publications
Writing a publication is about give and take, when you feel you giving to much that means your most probably working with the wrong people. Work with people who you have worked with several years for producing a research paper. Unfortunately people who you know less than six months and havent worked on a joint project are difficult to detect:
1- It is advisable to write a research contract between the two researchers.
2- Good signs he is serious when he sends you good data. 3- Another good sign if he sends you detailed geometry and used sensor for the project. |
Bad Experiences
Some times things good smoothly for you from the first publication and other times your not so lucky. Unfortunately academia is not an ideal environment, expect these things to happen with you at some point of your research
1- Expect every body to tell you by word he would like to publish with you.
2- Expect for him to call you many times just wanting to take from you and not give.
3- Expect them to talk with you for hours.
4- Trying in a sneaky to take the required skills on site visits, by stating he wants to come and write the publication with you, forgetting to bring the required information to write the whole paper.
5- Never be a middle man of a project where your helping a PhD student not knowing if the supervisor is aware of you helping his student or not. Always start the collaboration with a meeting with the supervisor and student. Because what might be happening is either the student is getting your help and telling his supervisor he is doing it, or the supervisor wants to cut down costs and get the problem solved by an expert without paying money or acknowledging the third party contribution. Or that both student and supervisor are playing a game against the helping third party.
6- Expect people to show you your name on the publication draft without sending you a copy, then removing your name one day before submission.
2- Expect for him to call you many times just wanting to take from you and not give.
3- Expect them to talk with you for hours.
4- Trying in a sneaky to take the required skills on site visits, by stating he wants to come and write the publication with you, forgetting to bring the required information to write the whole paper.
5- Never be a middle man of a project where your helping a PhD student not knowing if the supervisor is aware of you helping his student or not. Always start the collaboration with a meeting with the supervisor and student. Because what might be happening is either the student is getting your help and telling his supervisor he is doing it, or the supervisor wants to cut down costs and get the problem solved by an expert without paying money or acknowledging the third party contribution. Or that both student and supervisor are playing a game against the helping third party.
6- Expect people to show you your name on the publication draft without sending you a copy, then removing your name one day before submission.
The Time Setback
The problem with these experiences they can drain your time and thinking power and that end you will end up with lots of negative thoughts. Example for that the maximum time for a wrong collaboration is usually 6 months after that things become clear that your the only one giving. Frustration starts building up due to the abuse of the one side trust. The minimum time can be from several days to a few weeks. As you progress in life time becomes more valuable for you so wrong investments can of be of waste of several years of your time.
Having to work with 6 people for 6 months that can result in 3.6 years of waste. In life you can reduce this time by learning more faster in the process. You will have to go through the learning curve but you can try to reduce bad experiences in trying to be more aware, and separating your emotions from the process and thinking more from the mind. Losing these un-useful characters will result sooner or later because that is their strategy.
Try to always build on these experiences, these exceptional circumstances take them as a training course, dont look at others that didn't go through such circumstances and think they are lucky, as you go on in life you will see that this experience have made you stronger. Dont take these people as models in your life. This experience has made you also stronger for protecting your self from the psychopaths of society. Remember as you go up in hierarchy in society games become more complicated and people become less predictable.
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